In English: Performance Management by reconnaissance captain Kontio

There are plenty of books written about start-up team building and management. I personally believe that the best start-up is a small, effective unit built for a mission, and that over-complicating people management does not pay off.

Of course the way how things are executed is different in war and business, and atmosphere in military troops of 1944 is different to today’s business life. Anyway, read the following and think if there is something one can apply from Finnish reconnaissance troops of 1944.

This is an extract of a book by Finnish veteran tank soldier, Reino Lehväslaiho. My apologies for the bad translation.

If someone was negligent, stupid or some way talked badly about the mission, captain Kontio asked the men to join him. There was usually a big swamp where some narrow poles were lifted at 100 meters. Everyone got a  machine gun and 10 shots, and the order came by captain Kontio: ”Target the pole, shoot!”

Someone succeeded, and someone else did not. The latter packed their stuff and left fast, and no-one knew where. When a man left, captain Kontio’s farewell was simple:

–  This is the top troop in the Finnish Army. Here we pack shit into different packages and ship away. So we maintain quality.

~ Kirjoittanut timomj : 12 huhtikuun, 2010.

Yksi vastaus to “In English: Performance Management by reconnaissance captain Kontio”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Timo Ahopelto. Timo Ahopelto said: Performance Management for start-ups now in English. Must read for every entrepreneur and something I believe in. […]

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